How does vision correction work?You may be wondering if vision correction is a new technology.While the lasers and lenses we use are innovative and state-of-the-art, we use similar procedures that eye surgeons have used to remove cataracts since the 1950s.The truth about laser eye surgeryVision correction surgery has been performed for over 70 years and is a safe and effective way to improve your vision. 1Blum, M. et al. (2016a) Five-year results of small incision lenticule extraction (Relex Smile), British Journal of Ophthalmology.Our lenses are made from the latest materials and are designed to provide you with better vision than ever before.Our lasers are second to none and are among the most recently available in the market.The ZEISS Visuamax 800 is the fastest SMILE laser on the market and the SCHWIND AMARIS is the only laser with smart pulse technology and 7D tracking. This means it provides the smoothest treatment and detects even the smallest movement in real-time. This ensures the treatment is placed exactly in the precise location of your eye.We offer many other vision correction treatments, such as LASIK. We also offer effective alternatives to laser eye surgery, such as lens replacement and cataract surgery.2Ekktet Chansue et al, Efficacy, predictability and safety of small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE),2, Article number 14, Published: 31 August 2015Discover whether you’re a candidate for vision correction. Take our quick 1-minute self-test to see if you qualify.