What is the best laser eye surgery for you?You may be considering laser eye surgery, but you’re unsure which option is right for you. At IVISION LASER, we offer the full range of vision correction treatments.Laser eye surgery is a decision only you can make, but we guide you towards the right procedure for your needs and lifestyle.1Ekktet Chansue et al, Efficacy, predictability and safety of small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE),2, Article number 14, Published: 31 August 2015With conventional laser eye surgery in your twenties or thirties, you will eventually need glasses when you reach middle age due to presbyopia. But if you’re already middle-aged, we will recommend treatments that involve permanent changes to your vision because we replace your lens.Vision correction is a safe, permanent solution that can give you the clear vision you deserve for the rest of your life.2Ekktet Chansue et al, Efficacy, predictability and safety of small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE),2, Article number 14, Published: 31 August 2015 And with lens replacement, there is no risk of developing a cataract, and your clarity of vision will not worsen due to presbyopia (ageing eyes).Discover whether you’re a candidate for vision correction. Take our quick 1-minute self-test to see if you qualify.